Blushing Bloom Bouquet


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Celebrate life’s special moments with our Blushing Bloom Bouquet, a charming arrangement that captures the essence of romance and elegance. This exquisite bouquet features a delicate blend of soft pink roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, and orchids, complemented by lush greenery and wrapped in premium pink paper with a satin ribbon finish. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gesture to brighten someone’s day, this hand-tied bouquet brings a fresh and graceful touch to any setting.

Crafted by our expert florists, this bouquet is designed to convey your heartfelt emotions with a touch of sophistication. Perfect for expressing love, gratitude, or congratulations, the Blushing Bloom Bouquet is more than just flowers—it’s a memorable experience delivered to your doorstep.


Always fresh flowers


+1(604) 603-4995

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