Refund policy

Upon placing an order on our website, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Orders can be cancelled at least 24 hours before the intended delivery date, and a full refund will be issued. Cancellation of orders made within 24 hours of delivery will be charged in full.To request cancellation, email us at or call us at +1 604 603 4995.

For disputes, the customer must show proof of purchase (order number, order form, and/or a receipt, AND a photo of the product in question) within 24 hours of delivery.

Every Floba Design Studio gift is a unique expression of the care you give to someone. If your order arrived in a condition that doesn’t reflect those feelings, please contact us at, and we’ll make things right, given that you have provided us with the necessary information.

Orders returned to the Studio due to unsuccessful deliveries are no longer eligible for a refund. When this happens, you can have your order redelivered (fees will apply) the same day (if it’s still within our delivery time window), or it will be re-delivered the next day. Please note that we will not be liable for the quality of the blooms, especially if it’s a fresh/mixed product. Please visit this link to learn more about our delivery and shipping policies.