Grand Rose Embrace Bouquet


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An elegant bouquet of vibrant red roses, wrapped in sophisticated gray paper with text details and finished with a red ribbon. A timeless gift for any celebration or romantic moment.


Always fresh flowers


+1(604) 603-4995

The Grand Rose Embrace Bouquet is a luxurious showcase of floral artistry, featuring an abundance of vibrant red roses expertly arranged to create a bold and romantic statement. Wrapped in elegant gray paper with subtle text details and finished with a delicate red ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for expressing deep love, admiration, or appreciation.

Key Features:

  • Premium Red Roses: A stunning selection of fresh red roses, carefully handpicked for their vibrant color and velvety petals.
  • Elegant Wrapping: Gray paper with text accents and a soft red ribbon for a sophisticated finish.
  • Versatile Gift: Suitable for romantic occasions, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day.

Care Instructions:

  • Watering: Place the bouquet in fresh water immediately upon receipt.
  • Placement: Display in a cool environment, away from direct sunlight and heat.
  • Longevity: With proper care, the roses can maintain their beauty for up to 7 days.
  • Flower Food: Add the provided flower food to the water, following the instructions on the packet. Flower food usually contains nutrients and antibacterial agents to enhance the longevity of your arrangement.

Processing Time: Each bouquet is handcrafted to order. Please allow 24 hours for preparation.

Disclaimer: Seasonal availability may require substitutions. Rest assured, any changes will match the bouquet’s quality and beauty.

Number Of Roses

"24", "36", "48"


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