The Rouge Royale Bouquet makes a bold statement of love and passion with its lavish collection of radiant red roses. Hand-selected for their exceptional quality, these roses ensure a breathtaking display. Wrapped in luxurious black paper and tied with a crimson ribbon, this bouquet exudes sophistication and classic romance.
Perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or any special occasion, this arrangement creates an unforgettable impression. Whether celebrating a romantic milestone or expressing deep admiration, the Rouge Royale Bouquet symbolizes love in its purest form. Additionally, its elegant design complements any setting, enhancing the occasion’s significance.
Key Features:
- Premium Red Roses: Each rose is carefully hand-selected for its rich color, velvety texture, and exceptional quality.
- Elegant Wrapping: Enveloped in premium black paper, accented with a deep crimson ribbon for a stunning presentation.
- Versatile Gift: Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, romantic celebrations, or as a grand gesture of appreciation.
Care Instructions:
- Keep the stems in fresh water and change the water daily for prolonged freshness.
- Display in a cool environment, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
- Add the provided flower food to the water, following the instructions on the packet, to ensure the longevity of your bouquet.
Processing Time: Each bouquet is handcrafted to order. Please allow 24 hours for our florists to prepare this arrangement with the utmost care.
Disclaimer: Our products closely match the pictures displayed on our website. However, slight variations in color and size may occur due to seasonal availability. If you have any questions or need to coordinate same-day delivery, please contact us before placing your order.
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