Love Rose Bouquet


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The Eternal Love Rose Bouquet showcases 6 premium red roses, accented with baby’s breath and greenery, and elegantly wrapped in black and gold polka dot paper.


Always fresh flowers


+1(604) 603-4995

Love Rose Bouquet

The Love Rose Bouquet is a timeless floral arrangement crafted to express love, passion, and admiration. It features vibrant red roses, lush greenery, and delicate accents, creating a stunning combination of beauty and elegance. This bouquet is perfect for romantic occasions, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or simply to brighten someone’s day with a thoughtful gesture.

We carefully select each red rose to ensure exceptional quality and freshness. The greenery, including eucalyptus leaves, adds texture and complements the roses beautifully. Delicate floral accents further enhance the design, making it a true masterpiece. Wrapped in luxurious black paper with gold polka dots and tied with a soft red ribbon, the bouquet exudes sophistication and charm.

This arrangement is perfect for any setting. It fits seamlessly into both modern and classic decor styles, adding a touch of elegance to dining tables, office spaces, or bedside displays. Furthermore, it makes a versatile gift for any occasion, ensuring a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.

Processing Time: We handcraft each bouquet upon order. Therefore, please allow one day for preparation to ensure top quality.
Disclaimer: Seasonal availability may result in slight variations in flowers and greenery. However, substitutions will always match the original design’s beauty and quality.

The Love Rose Bouquet is more than just a floral arrangement—it’s an expression of emotion. With its bold design and elegant presentation, it is the perfect gift for anyone special. Share this timeless bouquet and make every moment unforgettable.


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